
Thank you for visiting my blog. This is where I post my recent sessions with all my adorable clients. Feel free to look around. To book a session or if you have any questions please contact me through email at portraitsbybrianne@gmail.com or visit the website www.brianneserrano.com. Thank you again, and I hope to meet you soon!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Longing for Summer

Every once in a while I find myself aching and longing for summer weather! A couple months back I made pink tutu dresses for my girls to wear for Easter. And since it pretty much has been snowing up to the end of May I took them to California for the Portraits for Pink fundraiser. I long for the day when my girls will be able to wear them and look as stinkin'adorable as this:
From Brianne Serrano uploads
From Brianne Serrano uploads
From Brianne Serrano uploads
From Brianne Serrano uploads
From Brianne Serrano uploads

1 comment:

Prem said...

Really nice pictures may you be always as you look like. Summer is the season to enjoy so enjoy yourself as much as you can.